03.11 - 04.11, daily 10:00 - 22:00
*ARTLABS, Sibiu, CT3 - Aleea Genistilor, Hipodrom and
DISTANCE LAB, Horizon Scotland, The Enterprise Park, Forres
Registration open until : Friday, 26.10, 20:00 h
Limited number of spaces available.
Romania Contact:, +40 (0)269 210 830
Scotland Contact:, +44 (0) 7770 492 531
HIGHFIVE! is a collaborative workshop, connecting participants in Forres, Scotland and Sibiu, Romania for a two-day exploration of conveying emotion and physicality in celebration over a distance. How can you uncover and communicate subtle layers of joy, pressure, relief, and thrill? How can you share experiences, annoyances, and successes as a member of a team? We will move beyond boring, 2-dimensional, computer screen-based interfaces to develop physical interfaces, networked between Romania and Scotland.
Participants will be provided kits of specially-selected, cutting-edge microcontrollers, Bluetooth modules, sensors, and actuators and use them to develop unique ways to bridge the 2267 km (1408 mi) between the geographically-separated workshop spaces. This is quintessentially collaborative work; participants will develop concepts and build objects whose local inputs connect to remote outputs. When someone interacts with an object in Sibiu, an object in Forres will come to life, and vice versa.
Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of electronics and should be eager to realise prototypes of next-generation interfaces. The workshop is free of charge! Kit components will be available to order after the workshop - price to be determined.